
At Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Research is an integral part of the academic activity carried within various undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The Research and Development (R&D) center facilitates various research programs by channelizing various research projects and consultancy works in various departments of the Institute. The Research activities include Academic research and funded research projects and patent in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The students and Staff are encouraged to innovate through quality research in emerging areas.

The advancement of laboratory is a key role of the Research and Development center of the institute. Research and Development center acts as a liaison between funding agencies and the Institute to handle sponsored research projects and industrial consultancy assignments. The main objective is to maintain the quality and breadth of its research enterprise, and particularly for its openness to multidisciplinary research.

The research philosophy is to progress from inter-departmental collaboration, to inter-institutional partnerships at national and international levels. The scope and scale of research has substantially evolved from the era of student theses to funded projects to interdisciplinary research programs at state and national level. The Centre facilitates interaction with external agencies at national and international level.

By looking at changing requirements of industry, the objective of Research and Development Cell is to ensure that we hold on to our position at the cutting edge of innovation by encouraging interdisciplinary research.


“To encourage interdisciplinary research and innovation leading to collaborative projects with public and private sectors that offers applied research.”


  • To inculcate research oriented approach to the future generation through research, scholarship, education, preservation, and excellent academic practice that can serve all sectors of society.
  • To carry out free exchange of ideas in an ethical, interdependent, and diverse community of faculty, students, and alumni.


The office of the Dean for research and development is responsible for managing and developing all research activities at S.P.I.T. The main goal is to encourage and promote cutting-edge research based on the proven capabilities and expertise of our faculty and scholars. The primary role is to help facilitate strengthening of the Institute’s research capabilities; proactively promote basic research and monitor quality of research work done. Research committee headed by a Dean has proposed the frame work for up-scaling and enhancing the research activities at the Institute.

It includes some of the following strategies:

  • Identify and develop opportunities for the faculty to engage in research.
  • Define criteria and modalities for students to avail research opportunities.
  • Propose roundtables, conferences and working groups on a series of thematic areas central to the research work, publication of papers and reports of the students.
  • Modalities of accepting, reviewing, and benchmarking research work.
  • Establish linkages with institutions and universities in India and outside to secure resources to provide facilities to scholars.

Short Term Goals

  • Sending research proposals to funding agencies.
  • Increase the quality of publication in standard journals.
  • Conducting faculty and students development programs for cutting edge trends and Technologies

Long Term Goals

  • Getting grants from national international funding agencies for research projects.
  • Collaborating with agencies at national/ international levels for IPR and consultancy.
  • Getting sponsorships for faculty and students development programs.